Tús Nua - SPORT

The aim of this project is to support those aged 18+ who are in recovery for drug or alcohol addiction, by providing positive lifestyle alternatives through the medium of sport and physical activity.

The SPORT programme will complement individuals existing aftercare plans and help fill the void left after their substance misuse, helping them to become active and contributing members within their communities and in their local sports clubs.

The Tus Nua - SPORT App is available for programme participants to access support resources, record activities well-being and jounral entries and to manage their personal development journey.

View on the Apple App Store View on the Google Play Store

Programme Pillars

Health A physical activity plan working on fitness and health will be offered to individuals.

Workshops on diet, nutrition & Wellbeing will be available to participants.

Home The new healthy lifestyle changes will have a positive knock on in the home lives of the individuals.

Professional support also available to both individual and family members, which can be accessed through participation on the programme.

Purpose Participation in and enjoyment of sport and physical activity will give the individual purpose instilling motivation to remain drug/alcohol free.

Participants will be encouraged to partake in education and training in Sport and physical activity. This maybe a Level 5 QQI or an Introductory Coaching Course.

Community Reintegrating an individual into their local sports club or physical activity providers can only have a positive impact for both the individual and the community they live in.

We will work with participants to discover what their interests are and support participants to get involved in their local area. This maybe as a volunteer, a coach or simply joining a local club/gym and participating.

Programme Sponsors: Limerick Sports Partnership, Coolmine, Mid-west regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum, Northstart Family Support Project, Bushypark Addiction Treatment Centre, Sport Ireland, Dormant Accounts Fund.